Field Trips & Events
What is the vision?
At Clarksville Charter School, we believe that field trips enrich and expand the curriculum, strengthen observation skills by immersing children into sensory activities, and increase children's knowledge in a particular subject area.
A well-designed field trip can bring it all together: combine two or more subjects while offering a variety of learning styles and intelligences, integrate the arts, encourage low-income and English language learner students to make connections between community resources and opportunities and their family and culture.
These experiences allow all participating students to achieve a higher academic performance in all subject areas - not just the arts.
Kids need this vital component of school instruction, if not only to improve test scores, but to feel, see, touch, and even taste the real world around them. And that's something you can only get from a field trip.
Field Trips broaden the educational experience and make a subject more relevant.